Why Ikea Should Hire me

Baby changing table thank you very much! The perfect card holder for those of us with a brown thumb Why drink wine when you can wrap presents! Or drink the wine to make room for the wrap!
A month or so ago I was talking to my gal pal Steph and was soo excited about my upcoming trip to Ikea. There is just something about that store that I love. Perhaps its the fact that I could redo my house every year for nothing! I love the ridiculous carts that go in the wrong direction and the tiny portions of meatballs with loganberries, and even how it takes me an hour to figure how to put together a shelf. My heart races as I take the exit to the big blue and yellow sign!
So in addition to my ability to be their best infomercial, Ikea should hire me because my new store has two types of Items, those for sale and those from Ikea. If Only I had Ikea stock! So Ikea if you are listening, put in your commercials.... I'll eat a million cinnamon rolls with a smile as I discuss the benefits of turning a wine rack in to a wrapping paper station!

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